Our Blog

News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.

From the Blog

Nov 10

You’ve likely noticed that your rental properties are experiencing fewer and shorter vacancies than usual lately. Even if you don’t have a rental property, you’ve likely seen mainstream publications on the surge in demand (and prices) for rental properties. The data is in. For rental properties all across the country, vacancies are nearing record lows

Nov 1

When it comes to rental properties, most landlords are fairly “tenant agnostic.” In other words, it doesn’t matter what the tenant does for a living, what profession they’re in, where they’re from, or how much money they make. As long as the tenant passes a background check, has good referrals, and meets the minimum income

Oct 27

Did you know about 44 million housing units were occupied by renters in the U.S. last year? Finding good tenants is hard work. It involves advertising vacancies in the right places, charging competitive rental rates, conducting thorough background checks, and doing other things. One source notes that the average time a U.S. renter in a

Sep 27

If you want your rental property to be successful and generate consistent income, you need to keep it occupied with tenants. And to attract those tenants, you need to market your rental property. That means putting your property in front of more people looking for a rental and making it seem as attractive as possible.

Sep 22

If you have a tenant who is chronically late with rent payments, or if they’re downright destructive to your property, you might be eager to get rid of them as soon as possible. This is why the eviction process exists; it provides you with a legal path you can use to remove your tenant from

Sep 1

Before you can start collecting rental income, you need an active tenant. And before you get an active tenant, you’ll need to collect tenant applications from potential candidates. On these applications, your tenants will provide tons of personal details, including their identifying information, rental history, employment information, and more. So, what should you do if

How much will your property lease for?


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