News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
When a landlord offers a property for lease and an individual submits an application to rent the property, the application is either accepted or denied. When it’s accepted, the two parties enter into a lease agreement, which involves signing legally binding papers. This lease agreement dictates when a tenant is to move out and/or what
At the end of the day, real estate investors become landlords as a means of generating a return on investment. You can talk about how you purchase rental properties for any number of reasons, like rebuilding the community and providing people with safe, reliable housing – both of which are good and honest sentiments –
You bought your rental property as an investment to generate income. When a tenant can’t pay rent on time, it can set you back financially. If you rely on rent to cover your mortgage, you’ll need to dip into your savings account and that’s never a good situation. Currently, the world is experiencing the effects
All landlords in Houston aim to find the best possible tenants, but sometimes that’s a difficult task. Fair Housing laws prevent landlords from getting too personal during the screening process and even when you don’t break any discrimination laws, some rejected tenants will file a lawsuit anyway.
Investing in rental property isn’t for everyone. You need some capital, a certain degree of risk tolerance, and a willingness/ability to pay attention to the details. But ultimately, the formula for land lording success isn’t that complex. It looks a little something like this:
The rental applications have come flooding in and it’s time to start reviewing them – but what should you look for? Too often, guides to the tenant selection process focus on red flags and while those are important, you want great tenants, not just acceptable ones. At the end of the day, red flags don’t