News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Do you know anyone who is actively investing in San Antonio rental properties? Or have you heard about the surge in demand for rental properties? Chances are, you’ve been exposed to the hot real estate investment environment, whether directly or indirectly. People all over the country are interested in buying up rental properties in San
The difference between a successful Austin landlord and an unsuccessful one often boils down to a simple measurement: Steady and predictable cash flow. If there’s one element that has a greater impact on cash flow than almost anything else, it’s collecting rent on time and in full. The Importance of Rent Collection When you sign
Very few people in this world enjoy conflict. For most of us, it’s one of those experiences we try to avoid at all costs. But if you’re an Austin landlord, it’s impossible to elude. Whether small or large, conflicts will surface on occasion. Your success will be highly dependent on how well you’re able to
You may have heard that Austin property investors are selling their rental properties in response to the eviction moratorium. The ban on evictions has left thousands of investors with no rental income and an inability to rent to tenants that have the money. If you’re wondering whether selling is a premature move, it’s not. For
Landlords have an overwhelming number of responsibilities for taking care of their properties. The last thing any landlord wants to deal with is a hoarder. Unfortunately, hoarders aren’t just fiction created for daytime television shows – they’re real, and they’re everywhere. If your tenant is a hoarder, you need to act fast before they permanently
Screening tenants is one of the most important tasks landlords are responsible for. Applications come in by the dozens for every apartment and it’s their job to sort through them, run the appropriate checks, hold interviews, and determine who will live in your properties. As a result of this constant work, most landlords have a