News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Accepting a bad tenant will inevitably lead to problems. It might take several months for issues to surface, but you may rest assured, they will. There’s no guarantee you can avoid every potentially bad tenant, but most can be readily avoided with the proper due diligence. That means a thorough tenant screening. If you don’t
Most landlords choose a specialty or niche based on property type, rather than renter demographic. However, there are other ways to narrow your focus. One popular niche is college students. If you decide to go this route, there are some of the nuances you’ll have to consider. Why Rent to College Students? College kids might
Do perfect tenants exist? If you define a perfect tenant as someone who follows the rules, pays rent on time, and doesn’t damage your property or cause problems with neighbors, then yes – perfect tenants exist. However, you’ll need to scrutinize your applicants to find them. To find ideal tenants in Houston, you need to
Do you own some land in Houston with a separate, detached livable unit you’d like to rent out? If you’re considering renting to a tenant who will share your land, but not your home, there are several things you need to know. Renting out a separate, livable unit on your land is a good way
Your ability to attract great tenants in Houston begins with how well you write your rental listings. A clear, direct, and detailed listing is the best way to attract your ideal tenant. However, there is an art to writing rental listings that attract great tenants over tenants who will take anything they can get. Ultimately,
Do you allow your tenants to sublet extra rooms to housemates? Most Houston landlords prohibit subletting because it can be an invitation for trouble, including property damage. Housemates don’t always get along; sometimes, roommate situations turn sour. But there are benefits to allowing your tenants to sublet. If you’re not sure which way to go,