News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Establishing a tenant-landlord relationship with an individual is serious. If someone is going to be living in a property that you own, then you have the right to know who they are and what risks they pose. Unfortunately, many landlords – both inexperienced and veteran – often choose to forgo this critical aspect of the
A bad tenant can end up costing you a lot of money. While you might normally enjoy a positive monthly cash flow, a bad tenant can seriously cut into your profits; worst-case scenario, a bad tenant can actually put you in the red.
In a perfect world, the landlord would provide a much-needed service, and the tenant would accept it gratefully, paying the rent on time and respecting the property. However, that’s not always the case, and the best landlords will know how to recognize bad tenants when they come. This is why having a tenant screening process
The idea of denying or rejecting a tenant application is frightening to the average landlord. Most approach the issue with fear and trepidation and believe any slight misstep could land them in hot water. And, while this is true to some extent (you don’t want to illegally reject a tenant), there are plenty of ways
When you’re a landlord, there are two categories of mistakes you risk making. The first is small and not very costly. These consist largely of learning experiences that don’t have any significant impact on your cash flow or stability. The second category can be deadly, though. These are the mistakes that will land you in
One of the beautiful facets of the Internet is that you can find answers to almost any question. If you’re a landlord, it can be a great tool for researching potential tenants and screening them prior to signing the contract … or is it?