News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Some impressive events have happened in the housing market over the last seven or eight years. Many homeowners have seen their property dramatically increase in value.
If you’re ready to move to a different city or a new house, you’ll inevitably consider selling your current home. But selling it isn’t the only option; obviously you don’t want it sitting empty, especially if you’re still making mortgage payments, but you do have the option of renting it as you get settled in
Are you a Houston homeowner considering selling your house? If so, now is the time to act. That’s because, according to experts, home prices are likely at their peak right now, and prices will begin to fall in 2020 with an expected recession. This recession is likely to hit during Q1, after initial predictions that
To a middle-class worker with a moderate income and limited assets, the notion of investing in real estate seems far-fetched: something reserved for folks in the upper crust. Those people often say things like “It takes money to make money.”
If you want to be happy in your own home, you need more than a big house, nice furniture, and a good location. You also need friendly neighbors. Unfortunately, many homeowners accidentally get on the bad side of their neighbors. Don’t let this be you.
As a new homeowner, you may not have a forgiving budget. You may have dumped your full savings into the down payment of your home, with the understanding that your first few years may be tight. Even if this isn’t the case, you’re probably interested in saving as much money as possible, increasing the financial