News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
You’ve heard the term “burning bridges;” it’s a phrase that’s used in the business world, as well as social life, to refer to ruining a relationship when you’re on the way out the door. It’s what happens when a fed-up employee quits a job and flips off the boss as he (or she) leaves. Another
Over the last couple of years, the Houston real estate market — like many others around the country — has been red hot. Homeowners have listed their property and received full price offers within hours. In some cases, bidding wars have even awarded sellers more than their asking price. In recent months, the larger real
When it comes to investing in real estate, there are plenty of options. You can buy single-family homes, multi-family homes, apartments, townhomes, condos, vacation rentals, commercial properties, even tiny houses! But there’s one unique, yet potentially lucrative option you probably haven’t considered: mobile home parks. When most people think about mobile home parks, a lucrative
If you’ve ever dreamed of living a life where you don’t have to report to a boss and punch a time clock, real estate investing could be the answer. Over the years, hundreds of thousands of people have discovered financial freedom and built wealth by ditching their day jobs and investing in real estate full-time.
Ask almost any successful person about the quickest, most efficient ways to build wealth and they’ll point you to real estate. Chances are, you know this and have thought about investing in real estate in the past – but something is holding you back.
The ROI of real estate investing is well known. In fact, you’ll be hard pressed to find any investment vehicle that delivers a higher return than real estate over a three-, five-, or ten-year period. So, why do so many people with the means to invest in real estate never give it a go? Contrary