News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Nobody wakes up one morning and suddenly decide they’re going to buy a house. Most of us require weeks and months of preparation to put ourselves in a position where we can follow through on such a vital financial decision.
Although the real estate market continues to sizzle across the nation, some people have discovered it isn’t as easy to get some skin in the real estate investing game as they thought it would be.
Some impressive events have happened in the housing market over the last seven or eight years. Many homeowners have seen their property dramatically increase in value.
If you’re ready to move to a different city or a new house, you’ll inevitably consider selling your current home. But selling it isn’t the only option; obviously you don’t want it sitting empty, especially if you’re still making mortgage payments, but you do have the option of renting it as you get settled in
Tenant screening is one of the most important responsibilities of any landlord. This is your chance to make sure your property is occupied by someone who’s going to take care of it, pay for it consistently, and ideally, stay there as long as possible.
As more states expand access to medical and even recreational marijuana, landlords are faced with a new question: do they have to permit marijuana use in their properties? On the recreational front, the question is fairly simple; just as landlords can ban cigarette smoking, they can also ban marijuana. When it comes to medical marijuana,