News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Have you ever wondered how certain people are able to go from having relatively little money and zero investments to having a booming real estate investment portfolio in a matter of just a few years? In most cases, it comes down to the powerful concept of leverage. But as great as leverage is, it’s easy
You’ve probably seen ads offering reduced rent, free rent, or other discounts to tenants for the first month. Discounts are a central part of marketing and if you can offer a deal, why not?
Buying and managing rental properties is one of the best ways to build wealth. If you purchase the right properties in the right neighborhoods, and keep them in good condition with good tenants, you should be able to cultivate a favorable return on your initial investments, and possibly end up with a source of recurring
Our culture looks at failure as a curse word. We view it as an unnatural thorn in the side of what should otherwise be a smooth path to success. But this is the wrong way to view mistakes and disappointments. Because while they never feel good in the moment, failures have the ability to cultivate
When buying a home, you have to consider the state of the neighborhood. Just as importantly, you’ll have to consider how that neighborhood might grow over time. This can be tricky to accomplish, since neighborhoods tend to develop in sometimes unpredictable directions, but if you approach this right, it can benefit you massively.
As a landlord, you go through a lot of trouble and effort to find reliable tenants who will pay on time and in full. You have your own bills to pay, so you need your tenants to fork over their rent checks on time.