News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Most real estate investors are familiar with the concept of investing in rental property. After purchasing a property in an in-demand neighborhood, you can rent that property to various tenants, collecting income in the form of rent on a monthly basis. If you plan things right, you can make enough money to more than make up
Owning a house in Texas is certainly nice, but there may come a time when you’re ready to sell. That might be because you’re moving to a different area or because you want to take advantage of a booming market, but whatever your motivation, you’ll probably be incentivized to sell your house as quickly as
If you talk to any seasoned investor, they’ll probably talk about the benefits of investing in real estate. Historically, real estate prices have risen in almost all areas of the United States, and there are dozens of different ways to take advantage of real estate investing. You can invest in residential or commercial properties, you
The U.S. property management segment was worth $3.62 billion last year, up from $3.4 billion the year prior, and could reach $6.16 billion by 2028. According to Fortune Business Insights, the industry is on pace to experience a compound annual growth rate of 7.9% between 2021 and 2028. Meanwhile, the Census Bureau counted 48.2 million
For many decades, American homeownership has been defined by an unofficial mantra of bigger is better. Homes have been getting bigger and bigger, even as the average family size has gotten smaller and smaller. But it appears that we’ve finally reached a tipping point over the past several years. Americans are downsizing in force, including
If you’ve been paying attention to current events in any capacity, you’ve probably heard about record high levels of inflation that are affecting the United States (and, to a lesser extent, countries around the world). Most of us experience inflation in a relatively passive way, noticing increased prices for common goods sold at the grocery