News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Humans are visual creatures. In fact, 90% of the information we absorb is visual, and we process images 60,000 times faster than text. This is why real estate listings rely so heavily on quality listing photos. Without them, it’s hard to get buyers’ attention. Plus, 90% of home buyers search online during the home buying
Are you truly prepared to sell your home? Selling a home isn’t always easy. Even in a seller’s market, with restricted inventory, high prices, and a wide assortment of buyers clamoring to tour your house, there’s no guarantee that you’re going to attract competitive bids – or that your home will sell in its first
If you want your rental property to be successful and generate consistent income, you need to keep it occupied with tenants. And to attract those tenants, you need to market your rental property. That means putting your property in front of more people looking for a rental and making it seem as attractive as possible.
Texas real estate investors have been enjoying rampant growth and undying optimism. Over the past several years, major cities throughout Texas (especially Houston) have benefited from rising demand and rising prices. Many experts believe that this growth trajectory will continue, ultimately leading to greater profitability for anyone with assets in Texas. There’s certainly room for
Newcomers to the real estate investing world often think the secret to making gigantic profits is to “time” the real estate market correctly – in other words, buy real estate when prices are low and supply is high, then sell real estate when prices are high and supply is low. This idea isn’t necessarily a
A quick browse through luxury house listings in and around Houston will show you that luxury home prices are up significantly. Aside from occasional droughts and downturns, the real estate market historically rises over time, so it’s not especially surprising to see that homes in Houston are going up in value. What is surprising is