News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
People often get their feet wet in real estate by investing in one or two single-family rental properties. Many of them soon discover that real estate investing is what they want to do full-time. So, they immediately start asking questions like: How can I quit my job and become a full-time landlord? Great question…glad you
Real estate investing offers couples one of the fastest paths to wealth and financial freedom. However, is it something that one spouse should focus on? Or is it a good idea for to be directly involved in the business? In this article, we’ll discuss all of that and more. The Benefits of Real Estate Investing
iBuying is changing the way many people buy and sell homes. But what is it exactly and what does it mean for you as a real estate investor? This article will answer those questions. So read on if you’ve ever wondered about the impact iBuying has on real estate investing. What is iBuying? First of
At Green Residential, we’re all for owning as many rental properties as you possibly can. It’s one of the fastest and most predictable ways to build wealth over the long run. However, not every rental property is a “buy and hold forever” kind of rental. There comes a time when you may need to sell
Selling a house can be a stressful and frustrating experience. However, it can also be exciting and opportunistic – especially in a seller’s market where you have most of the leverage. But if you’re going to extract maximum value out of the sale of your house, make sure you’re giving buyers what they want. That
By default, most landlords consider offering only fixed term leases. Fixed term leases are the most common type of lease, providing stability and predictability to both the landlord and the tenant. Typically covering a period of one or two years, these lease agreements form the backbone of the rental property world. But there’s another option