News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
As a landlord or property manager, you likely find yourself inside your tenant’s home at least a few times a year. There are annual inspections and the occasional maintenance call. Maybe you’ve promised to make an upgrade, like installing a new stove, or you want to check the smoke detectors. Such visits are part of
If you’ve ever lived in a large apartment complex, you likely adapted to a particular rhythm: each year, as your lease came up for renewal, you’d also face a rent increase. To continue living in the property, you would be expected to pay more, supposedly to keep up with inflation.
The process of selling your current home and buying a new one is stressful, time-consuming, and full of important tasks and responsibilities. At times, it seems as if it’ll never end. But don’t worry, you’ll eventually get settled. Moving day is the final stage of the home purchase process. And while you’re certainly looking forward
In a perfect world, every tenant would be the real deal. Everything they put on their rental application would be true and you wouldn’t have to worry about excuses for late rent or lies about what’s happening in your property. But in case you haven’t figured it out by now, this isn’t a utopian society.
Real estate investing doesn’t fit into the mold of a traditional business. Generally speaking, it’s not the kind of business where you have standard 9-to-5 hours, cubicles, breakrooms, and rigid HR policies. Whether you’re wholesaling land or renting out single-family properties to tenants, your business moves to the beat of a different drum. Having said
Sometimes watching the news is a bad idea for landlords. There always seems to be some kind of crazy story about tenants who do strange things and cause intense damage to their rental unit. While the following worst-case scenarios are a possibility, they’re highly unlikely. However, tenants are unpredictable so you should be prepared to