News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
By default, most landlords consider offering only fixed term leases. Fixed term leases are the most common type of lease, providing stability and predictability to both the landlord and the tenant. Typically covering a period of one or two years, these lease agreements form the backbone of the rental property world. But there’s another option
At various points in time when managing a rental property, you’ll need to get in contact with your tenant. It could be to provide them with formal notice that you need access to the property, remind them that their rent is due, or simply ask them if one of your recent repairs is still working
Ideally, your tenant relationships will be pleasant and mutually beneficial. Your tenants will be nice, polite, and respectful of your property, and in exchange, you’ll make sure they have a good place to live. Unfortunately, landlord tenant relationships don’t always unfold this smoothly. And if you end up in a tense situation with a tenant,
You’ve likely noticed that your rental properties are experiencing fewer and shorter vacancies than usual lately. Even if you don’t have a rental property, you’ve likely seen mainstream publications on the surge in demand (and prices) for rental properties. The data is in. For rental properties all across the country, vacancies are nearing record lows
Did you know that the median price for a single-family home in Texas was $357,388 in the second quarter of 2022? According to the Texas Quarterly Housing Report, that tally is up 19.1% versus the comparable period a year ago. The same report notes that almost half of the 108,390 homes sold in Texas in
Your rental property is an income provider in your family. And if you want it to continue producing income for your family for years to come, you have to protect it. There are dozens of ways to do this, but don’t underestimate the importance of winterization each year. Properly winterizing your properties year after year