News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Price is perception. As a real estate investor and property owner, pricing is all about perception. If the property is perceived as being desirable, you can charge more rent than if the property is not seen as desirable. Sounds pretty obvious, right? But it’s not always something that landlords take into account. If you want
Do you know one of the best ways to frustrate good tenants to the point where they move out? You can achieve this objective by providing poor customer service. The best tenants won’t put up with a landlord they don’t respect. They’ll instead head right for the exits at the end of their leases in
Do you dream of buying an investment property, finding good tenants, making passive income every month, and potentially selling your asset down the road for a great return on investment? That’s the dream of many people who invest in rental properties. But this dream can quickly become a stress-inducing, time-wasting, and money-draining nightmare. If you’re
Owning rental property comes with some big challenges, and dealing with troublesome tenants is one of the most important things to get under control. Some tenants are perpetually late to pay rent and refuse to pay late fees. However, the worst is when a tenant damages your property. It would be great if they followed
Finding the right tenant for your rental property can be a stressful process. You are making at least a year-long commitment with a renter that can dictate whether the rental experience will be a breeze or a headache. In a study reported by Bloomberg and done by the Census Bureau, it was found that in
For landlords, vacancies are always an issue, as they’re largely unavoidable. Sooner or later, your tenant is going to move out (or find themselves in a position where they can no longer continue paying rent). And that means your unit is going to be empty, at least temporarily. Vacancies are problematic because they prevent you