Our Blog

News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.

From the Blog

Feb 25

People are instinctively drawn to natural light. Without the sun, life on earth would be impossible, and people subconsciously realize this when shopping for a home. Apartments and houses with more windows and natural light are appealing to prospective tenants and buyers. You may not be able to increase square footage, but you can give

Jul 9

Though most landlords will tell you their job is rewarding, they’ll also tell you it’s not without great personal risk, and that landlord insurance is one of the best investments you can make. A simple policy can mean the difference between seeing a profit and shelling out thousands a month for legal and property damages.

Jun 11

When you’re a landlord, there are two categories of mistakes you risk making. The first is small and not very costly. These consist largely of learning experiences that don’t have any significant impact on your cash flow or stability. The second category can be deadly, though. These are the mistakes that will land you in

May 7

As experienced landlords know, carpet can take a beating. In fact, it’s arguably the most heavily used item in the home and requires frequent replacing. By understanding the causes of damaged carpet and following a few simple rules, you can extend the life of your carpet, keep tenants satisfied, and save money.

Mar 17

When many homes get built, the owners may opt not to finish the basement. They may put their washer and dryer in the basement and use the rest of the space for storage, but everything else goes upstairs.

Feb 3

When moving into a new home, people often choose to sell their previous residence. Most of the time, selling makes the most sense. There are situations, however, where it’s more beneficial to rent out the property instead. It’s important to look at all of the facts, especially when making such a big decision.

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