Our Blog

News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.

From the Blog

Sep 20

Nobody becomes a landlord thinking, “I sure wish I had something else on my plate right now.” No … in most cases, people invest in rental properties with the dream of generating passive streams of income that require little work or effort.

Aug 16

As a landlord, you’ve probably learned the value of observing your peers. You’ve learned many excellent approaches by shadowing other landlords, but you can often learn more from their mistakes.

Aug 2

As a rule, potential homebuyers aren’t apt to be terribly bothered by cosmetic problems in your home. If it can be affordably fixed, it won’t prevent them from making an offer on the house. But is that always the case? Are there any situations in which a fresh coat of paint could mean the difference

Jun 3

You’ve got two choices as a real estate investor: manage your own properties or hire out the service to a property management company. Both options are valid, but the option that’s correct for you will depend on various circumstances. Here’s an exploration of 8 pros and cons to self-managing rental properties: 1. Self-management will save

Mar 18

Home ownership is a huge responsibility that entails a unique set of challenges as well as opportunities. Though there are plenty of advantages in owning a piece of real estate that you may assume will increase in value as time passes, the house won’t take care of itself. In order to maintain and increase its

Feb 22

Appliance parts fail, motors break down, and accidents happen. Managing a rental property, even just one unit, means dealing with these kinds of breakdowns. Here are some pro tips to handle unexpected property damage and maintenance to your property in Katy, Texas: 1. Expect the unexpected An old saying, but relevant to every aspect of

How much will your property lease for?


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