News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
To an outsider, someone who glances at the raw numbers of property management, being a landlord might seem fairly easy. All you have to do is buy the property, find someone to live in it, and pull in the profits, right?
When moving into a new home, people often choose to sell their previous residence. Most of the time, selling makes the most sense. There are situations, however, where it’s more beneficial to rent out the property instead. It’s important to look at all of the facts, especially when making such a big decision.
If you’re leasing your residential property for the first time, perhaps you’ve made it through the difficult first steps – preparing your property for rent, choosing and vetting your tenants, and making a deal with one of the many Houston property management companies. Now that the difficult part is over, you might be inclined to