News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Most real estate investors focused on rental properties are interested in gradually expanding their portfolios. If each property in your portfolio can generate a few thousand dollars per year in net profit, each new property in your portfolio is going to significantly increase your annual income. Whether your goal is to accumulate enough properties to
From the outside looking in, being a landlord is easy-breezy. You buy a property, find a tenant, charge a bunch of rent, use that money to pay your mortgage, and pocket the rest. Then do it over again…rinse and repeat in perpetuity. But as anyone on this side of the equation knows, it’s not that
It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that selling your house is as simple as putting a for-sale sign in the front yard, posting a listing online, and asking your agent to field offers. But even in a white-hot market like the one we’ve been in for a few years, there’s a whole
One of the beautiful and compelling things about real estate investing is just how much diversity and flexibility there is. Even when you zero in on a niche like income-producing rental properties, you have lots of choices. There are single-family homes, multi-family properties, and apartments. But most people forget about another lucrative niche: condominium units.
Title: Alt Title: How to Make Home Ownership Less Expensive and Burdensome Most people buy a home as an investment. They regard it as the smart thing to do over the long haul, so they fork over a hefty down payment in order (they hope) to own a sizeable asset someday. But nobody tells you
We all love our furry friends. Cats, dogs, rabbits, gerbils…you name it. But for all of the joy that they bring us, it’s hard to deny the mess that pets come with. And if you aren’t careful, these hairy roommates can turn your cozy home into a smelly zoo.