News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Houston is a hot market for property investors, and more homes are being turned into rentals, vacation homes, and income properties.
Parking is a major source of frustration for people in large cities, including Houston. Although it’s convenient to live in an apartment that’s within walking distance of downtown areas, the downside is minimal or expensive parking.
In a perfect world, tenants would pay rent on time and make no excuses when they’re late. In the real world, sometimes it doesn’t work that way. Although most tenants are only late on occasion, others are habitually late. Late fees are supposed to discourage tenants from being late with the rent — not provide
Although investment properties often yield a predictable cash flow and healthy margins, they can also open you to substantial levels of risk. Those risks are significant enough that some people just avoid this form of investment.
Nobody becomes a landlord thinking, “I sure wish I had something else on my plate right now.” No … in most cases, people invest in rental properties with the dream of generating passive streams of income that require little work or effort.
Among real estate investors and landlords, risk reduction is a significant challenge that must be faced. You have multiple options for protecting your investment, but in terms of your tenants, requiring everyone to carry renters’ insurance is one of the smartest moves you can make.