News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
To an outsider, someone who glances at the raw numbers of property management, being a landlord might seem fairly easy. All you have to do is buy the property, find someone to live in it, and pull in the profits, right?
Right now, the country is experiencing what experts like to call rental nation. It’s an apparent rise in the number of renters versus homebuyers, which has put the number of renters at an all-time high and the number of homebuyers at the lowest it’s been since 1967. As a result, more rental properties and landlords
Though most landlords will tell you their job is rewarding, they’ll also tell you it’s not without great personal risk, and that landlord insurance is one of the best investments you can make. A simple policy can mean the difference between seeing a profit and shelling out thousands a month for legal and property damages.
When you’re a landlord, there are two categories of mistakes you risk making. The first is small and not very costly. These consist largely of learning experiences that don’t have any significant impact on your cash flow or stability. The second category can be deadly, though. These are the mistakes that will land you in
Evictions are very serious, and if you’re preparing to evict a tenant for the first time, it’s critical that you understand how to handle the process. Specifically, you need to know how to approach the actual eviction day.
In the past, collecting rent was as simple as knocking on your tenant’s door and collecting the money in an envelope. It’s not so easy today.