News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
When you live a quiet, comfortable life without much conflict or trouble, it’s easy to feel like the world is good and everything is fine. However, when you start to interact with people from all different walks of life, you’ll realize that not everyone has the same good intentions and peaceful mentality. Don’t let this
People don’t get into the business of being a landlord because they want an easy, non-confrontational job where they get to clock in at 9 a.m., take a lunch break, and clock out at 5 p.m. There are plenty of reasons to become a landlord, but predictability and low stress aren’t among them. You don’t
When you purchase a home, you have to deal with a lot, so when someone mentions the possibility of home warranties cover, you might feel confused. You already have to purchase homeowners insurance; why would you need the extra protection of a warranty for your systems and appliances? Home warranty doesn’t actually cover your home
Productivity can often feel like an elusive or mythical creature … as if it’s something only certain people with very specific traits and skill sets can capture. Nothing could be further from the truth, though. Anyone can be productive — and that includes yourself — if you set your mind to it and devise a
Becoming a landlord is exciting; you’ll have an opportunity to make significant income, month after month, with a minimal investment of time and effort. But remember, landlords have legal responsibilities to their tenants, and if you fail in any of those responsibilities, you could be held liable for the resulting costs or damages.
If your home won’t sell and you’re considering renting, you’re not alone. Plenty of people switch from homeowner to landlord when unexpected circumstances arise. Peggy Abkemeier from told Time, “We’re finding that a lot of people have houses that they would have sold and now need to rent. The demand is there. One out