News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
As a real estate investor and landlord, your job is all about mitigating risk and maximizing return. The more you’re able to accomplish these overarching goals, the more success you’ll experience. And while security deposits may seem like a small issue to outsiders, experienced landlords know just how much they impact both risk and reward.
When the real estate market is as hot as its been over the past decade, it’s easy to get caught up in thinking rental property investing is a guaranteed cash cow. But while it can be a prosperous method of generating income, it can also lead to dire financial consequences for those who are ill-prepared
The profitability of your rental property depends on your major source of income—rent from tenants. If all goes well, you’ll be able to collect rent, reliably, on a monthly basis, in excess of your ongoing expenses. You’ll easily meet all your ongoing costs, with a bit left over to serve as profit, all while your
You’ve probably seen ads offering reduced rent, free rent, or other discounts to tenants for the first month. Discounts are a central part of marketing and if you can offer a deal, why not?
Allowing tenants to smoke cigarettes inside your property can destroy your ability to rent or resell your property. Cigarette smoke sticks to walls, drapes, carpet, and even ceiling tiles in a form of sticky residue. This sticky residue, known as “third-hand smoke,” can linger for years unless it’s intentionally cleaned up.
Effective communication is the key to healthy landlord/tenant relationships. Effective communication is built on three main factors: transparency, honesty, and respect. With these three factors present, you’re more likely to resolve issues with your tenants before they grow into larger issues.