News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Most landlords and property managers in San Antonio know it can be a challenge to locate tenants who pay on time and take care of the premises. So one of your priorities should be to keep your current paying tenants as happy as possible. One of the most effective ways to hold onto good tenants
If you’re a landlord in San Antonio and want to find the best tenants, you almost certainly employ a tenant screening process. The idea is to land the best tenants for that San Antonio apartment building, but the process can be unnecessarily challenging if you accept some of the persistent tenant screening myths we regularly
San Antonio remains one of the best places to live in the United States. The weather is great, the neighborhoods are diverse and interesting, there are plenty of job opportunities, and best of all – the prices are still affordable. If you live in Texas already, you might consider moving to San Antonio or managing
San Antonio is currently enjoying a lively real estate market, with rising house prices and favorable conditions for sellers. Homes are being listed at higher prices, they’re getting multiple offers, and buyers are competing hard to get the houses they want. As a buyer delving into the San Antonio housing market, this can be intimidating,
We interact with thousands of landlords every single year, including hundreds in the San Antonio area, and almost all of them are genuinely nice people. They care about others, take their role seriously, and want to provide safe, comfortable living conditions for the people in their communities. Yes, they care about profits – and we
There’s a common misconception in the general marketplace that landlords are greedy penny-pinchers who look for every opportunity to make an extra buck. But those aren’t the landlords we interact with. Most of the San Antonio landlords we know understand the importance of value creation and are focused on providing quality housing for their tenants.