News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Houston is one of the most important rental markets in the United States, with the third-highest number of apartments of any American city – but all isn’t well for the city’s tenants. In a recent study performed by the University of Texas School of Law, researchers determined that about 40% of Houston apartments were built
Are you a Houston homeowner considering selling your house? If so, now is the time to act. That’s because, according to experts, home prices are likely at their peak right now, and prices will begin to fall in 2020 with an expected recession. This recession is likely to hit during Q1, after initial predictions that
Even if you own a lovely home and have taken care of it for years, there’s no guarantee it’s going to sell in the timeframe you want. If you’re struggling to get any offers in the first few months of your listing, it may be a sign that something’s wrong.
Parking is a major source of frustration for people in large cities, including Houston. Although it’s convenient to live in an apartment that’s within walking distance of downtown areas, the downside is minimal or expensive parking.
In a perfect world, tenants would pay rent on time and make no excuses when they’re late. In the real world, sometimes it doesn’t work that way. Although most tenants are only late on occasion, others are habitually late. Late fees are supposed to discourage tenants from being late with the rent — not provide
Among real estate investors and landlords, risk reduction is a significant challenge that must be faced. You have multiple options for protecting your investment, but in terms of your tenants, requiring everyone to carry renters’ insurance is one of the smartest moves you can make.