News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
You’ve probably seen ads offering reduced rent, free rent, or other discounts to tenants for the first month. Discounts are a central part of marketing and if you can offer a deal, why not?
Allowing tenants to smoke cigarettes inside your property can destroy your ability to rent or resell your property. Cigarette smoke sticks to walls, drapes, carpet, and even ceiling tiles in a form of sticky residue. This sticky residue, known as “third-hand smoke,” can linger for years unless it’s intentionally cleaned up.
When buying a home, you have to consider the state of the neighborhood. Just as importantly, you’ll have to consider how that neighborhood might grow over time. This can be tricky to accomplish, since neighborhoods tend to develop in sometimes unpredictable directions, but if you approach this right, it can benefit you massively.
As a landlord, you go through a lot of trouble and effort to find reliable tenants who will pay on time and in full. You have your own bills to pay, so you need your tenants to fork over their rent checks on time.
Selling a home is a stressful, yet exciting time for most homeowners in Texas. Chances are, you’ve got your eye on a new home in a new area, and you’re interested in closing this deal as seamlessly as possible so you can start a new chapter in your life. However, if you want the deal
You aren’t in the business of buying and managing rental properties because it’s fun. In fact, you take on a lot of risk and deal with too many problems to be in it for some sort of service project. You do what you do because you want to generate some income. But before you go