News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
When a landlord offers a property for lease and an individual submits an application to rent the property, the application is either accepted or denied. When it’s accepted, the two parties enter into a lease agreement, which involves signing legally binding papers. This lease agreement dictates when a tenant is to move out and/or what
It doesn’t matter what line of work you’re in, focus is an integral component of success. If you aren’t focused, you’ll squash productivity and squander the opportunities that are presented to you. And as a Houston landlord, it’s an especially integral ingredient in your overall recipe for optimizing ROI. Macro vs. Micro Focus Focus is
For many years, Houston has been a promising city for property investors. There are dozens of interesting neighborhoods and suburbs, ripe with a diverse range of different properties, and demand for homes in the Houston area has been surging. However, in recent years, the extra demand and attention has been problematic for property investors in
Whether it’s an investment property, primary residence, or vacation home, you always want to get the highest possible value on the sale of a property. But sometimes there are circumstances that make this nearly impossible. And if your property is subjected to one of these factors, you could face a long road ahead. 7 Issues
Rental properties in Houston are an incredibly valuable investment. Renter demand is high, so you should have no trouble finding a tenant who wants to move in. Price to rent ratios are favorable, so you should easily recover all your expenses each month. And on top of that, Houston is one of the fastest growing
When Hurricane Laura swept through the southwest in late August, Houston was lucky, escaping mostly unscathed. As we know from past experiences, such as the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey in 2017, that isn’t always the case. The “once in a century” storm killed at least 68 people in the area and caused billions in