Our Blog

News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.

From the Blog

Jun 27

Thus far, 2018 is shaping up to be the year of a buyer’s market. Houses are slow to sell as more and more individuals decide they’d to rent. The solution for this trend could be to combine the two in a rent-to-own option. This could be the perfect solution for a seller trying to move

Jun 15

One of the more interesting aspects of being a homeowner is that you’re simultaneously focused on two different priorities. First off, you want to enjoy your home. So you choose a style you like, perform small renovations, and invest in home improvements that fit your lifestyle. But secondly, you’re focused on the next buyer. Any

Jun 6

Much like the prices in the stock market, the prices of properties in a given neighborhood can cycle up or down, based on external variables. Hypothetically, you can use these swings to your advantage—especially if you’re considering buying a new home or selling your old one.

Jun 1

Buying a home and taking out a mortgage have essentially become synonymous over the years. Almost everyone takes out a loan to purchase a house, but that doesn’t mean you have to. It’s a wonderful feeling to be able to buy a house with cash, and, regardless of your income, you might actually be able

May 23

One of the biggest issues people have with renting is they’re throwing money down the drain when they could be building equity. And while this is true, don’t assume that home ownership is an easy ride. As a homeowner, you face several unique expenses. Over time, these can really start to add up.

May 21

When it comes to real estate negotiations, nothing is more important than leverage. The individual with the leverage is the individual who will ultimately come away with a more favorable outcome (assuming they’re able to couple the leverage with patience). From a buyer’s perspective, nothing gives you more leverage than knowing that a seller is

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