News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Nobody becomes a landlord thinking, “I sure wish I had something else on my plate right now.” No … in most cases, people invest in rental properties with the dream of generating passive streams of income that require little work or effort.
If you binge-watch enough 30-minute TV episodes, or spend a substantial amount of time scrolling through Pinterest boards, you might eventually be tempted to buy a fixer-upper for your next home.
Conventional wisdom says, “Buy a house! It’s the American Dream!” Indeed, millions have found this works for them over the years … but many have also had the opposite experience.
For the most part, properties are priced at an amount slightly to moderately higher than the true value of the home. This is because most real estate agents and homeowners expect buyers to make a bid that is less than the “true” value of the home, allowing there to be some room for negotiation. It
As a landlord, you’ve probably learned the value of observing your peers. You’ve learned many excellent approaches by shadowing other landlords, but you can often learn more from their mistakes.
Today, a growing number of rental properties are fully equipped with smart technology, including thermostats, video doorbells and security cameras, and smart locks. In fact, many tenants have suggested they would pay more for properties equipped with these tools. Still, while such technology is popular, it’s also a source of contention. That’s because these devices