News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
For some couples, buying a house is as easy as buying a car. They schedule a couple of showings, find one they like, put in an offer, and the rest is history. But for most couples, it’s a bit more complicated. Arguments, disagreements, and friction are bound to ensue.
When it comes to real estate investing, buzzwords get thrown around like candy at a parade. And if there’s one buzzword that’s overused more than the rest, it’s “turnkey.” The phrase is used so frequently that it seems to have lost all its meaning. You think you want to invest in a turnkey property, but
Nobody enters into a marriage thinking about the possibility of divorce. However, research shows that a hefty percentage of couples will eventually end up splitting ways. If you find yourself in this situation, separation of assets can be one of the more difficult issues to work through. In particular, you’re probably wondering what happens to
The profitability of your rental property depends on your major source of income—rent from tenants. If all goes well, you’ll be able to collect rent, reliably, on a monthly basis, in excess of your ongoing expenses. You’ll easily meet all your ongoing costs, with a bit left over to serve as profit, all while your
Buying a home is exciting, and in many cases, sentimental. But if you allow your emotions to get the best of you during this process, it can lead to a decision you’ll ultimately regret. When buying a house, logic should take precedence over emotions, and you’ll need to keep your emotions in order when searching
Some people like new construction and others prefer homes with a few decades of history. And if you’re in the market for a new house, you’ve probably come to realize that you have to keep your options open and consider everything. The more willing you are to consider a variety of homes, the more