News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Effective communication is the key to healthy landlord/tenant relationships. Effective communication is built on three main factors: transparency, honesty, and respect. With these three factors present, you’re more likely to resolve issues with your tenants before they grow into larger issues.
If you’re a landlord, you probably have a lease agreement or rental agreement for your tenants, outlining the rules and restrictions for the property, setting rent prices, and outlining a period of time during which the agreement is active. If a tenant breaks the lease agreement early by moving prematurely, they may face a penalty
As a landlord, time is your most precious asset. You get the same 24 hours in a day that everyone else gets. And assuming you get a healthy seven or eight hours of sleep each night, that means you’re left with just 16 or 17 waking hours in a day. Squandering even a couple of
Buying and managing rental properties is one of the best ways to build wealth. If you purchase the right properties in the right neighborhoods, and keep them in good condition with good tenants, you should be able to cultivate a favorable return on your initial investments, and possibly end up with a source of recurring
Our culture looks at failure as a curse word. We view it as an unnatural thorn in the side of what should otherwise be a smooth path to success. But this is the wrong way to view mistakes and disappointments. Because while they never feel good in the moment, failures have the ability to cultivate
When buying a home, you have to consider the state of the neighborhood. Just as importantly, you’ll have to consider how that neighborhood might grow over time. This can be tricky to accomplish, since neighborhoods tend to develop in sometimes unpredictable directions, but if you approach this right, it can benefit you massively.