News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Home renovations are appealing to homebuyers on multiple levels. Perhaps the most alluring perk is that you can buy a property below market value and take the money you save to turn it into the house of your dreams. But before you go crazy with drawing up plans, scheduling contractors, and pulling permits, consider that
As a real estate investor and landlord, your job is all about mitigating risk and maximizing return. The more you’re able to accomplish these overarching goals, the more success you’ll experience. And while security deposits may seem like a small issue to outsiders, experienced landlords know just how much they impact both risk and reward.
Getting a house ready to put on the market takes a lot of work. From repairs to finances and everything in between, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with the entire process. But if there’s one thing you can’t afford to do, it’s minimize the importance of your online listing.
When the real estate market is as hot as its been over the past decade, it’s easy to get caught up in thinking rental property investing is a guaranteed cash cow. But while it can be a prosperous method of generating income, it can also lead to dire financial consequences for those who are ill-prepared
For some couples, buying a house is as easy as buying a car. They schedule a couple of showings, find one they like, put in an offer, and the rest is history. But for most couples, it’s a bit more complicated. Arguments, disagreements, and friction are bound to ensue.
When it comes to real estate investing, buzzwords get thrown around like candy at a parade. And if there’s one buzzword that’s overused more than the rest, it’s “turnkey.” The phrase is used so frequently that it seems to have lost all its meaning. You think you want to invest in a turnkey property, but