News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
There’s a common misconception in the general marketplace that landlords are greedy penny-pinchers who look for every opportunity to make an extra buck. But those aren’t the landlords we interact with. Most of the San Antonio landlords we know understand the importance of value creation and are focused on providing quality housing for their tenants.
Given a hot real estate market and low interest rates, many Austin homeowners are looking for ways to improve the value and enjoyment of their properties. If that includes remodeling a house, there’s one room that promises more bang for your buck. We’re talking about the kitchen, of course! Kitchen Remodel ROI: A Look at
One of the more beautiful aspects of real estate investing is the versatility and flexibility. It doesn’t matter what your goals, interests, or expectations are, you may select from a variety of investment vehicles and opportunities to pursue. Although a significant percentage of investors in Austin real estate focus on single-family residential properties, there’s plenty
The difference between a successful Austin landlord and an unsuccessful one often boils down to a simple measurement: Steady and predictable cash flow. If there’s one element that has a greater impact on cash flow than almost anything else, it’s collecting rent on time and in full. The Importance of Rent Collection When you sign
Very few people in this world enjoy conflict. For most of us, it’s one of those experiences we try to avoid at all costs. But if you’re an Austin landlord, it’s impossible to elude. Whether small or large, conflicts will surface on occasion. Your success will be highly dependent on how well you’re able to
The purchase of a home is one of the most exciting decisions you’ll make in your life. It’s also one of the most crucial, since it will have a massive financial impactful on your life. Most likely, you’ll be paying several thousand dollars a month for a loan of a few hundred thousand dollars (or