News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Do you have a disproportionately high turnover rate? Do good tenants seem to leave every time a lease agreement expires? Do you seem to have to work harder to retain tenants than other landlords you know in the area? If these issues sound familiar, then you may need to reconsider your approach to property management
In most areas around the country, the real estate market has experienced a nice post-recession recovery and homes are going under contract within days of being put on the market. If this is true in your local market, yet you have a home that’s been listed for weeks or months, then it’s easy to get
A passion for real estate isn’t always enough to create a profitable rental property. Most landlords and investors must carefully watch the market and understand the ups and downs. The majority find themselves in the rental market, whether residential or commercial. Though it’s not always an investor’s first thought when considering wealth in real estate,
This coming year, 2017, will bring changes for many people. According to Nielsen research, the majority of Americans will be making resolutions that have to do with their health and fitness. In 2015, 37 percent of people made a resolution to stay fit and healthy and 32 percent resolved to lose weight. These resolution stats
Some people become landlords because they like the idea of managing their own property. Others may have inherited a structure, or simply jumped on a good deal. No matter what your motivation for becoming a landlord was, your goal is going to be making your investment profitable. It’s more than possible to earn a living
You don’t need a blog post to tell you that buying a home is a massive financial investment. You’re probably worrying already about the down payment, interest rates, loan approval, and staying financially stable enough for the next 30 years to pay it off. Then there are the other risks that come with home ownership,