News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
As a landlord, you know that you’re responsible for the bulk of major repairs and ongoing maintenance for your rental properties. As a general rule of thumb, if the repair was not the fault of the tenant and if it in any way impacts the tenant’s quality of life, it’s on you to do whatever
In a perfect world, your rental properties would be leased on a continuous basis, and there would be no gaps between tenants. But in reality, every rental property will eventually sit empty for a month or two after no tenants have signed a lease agreement.
People need homes, no matter the time of year, so you wouldn’t think weather would affect this market. However, it plays a key factor in home sales. If you’re in the market to sell your home, you may not know that there’s actually a best month and season to sell your home.
Airbnb has quickly become a threat to the hotel industry, but it’s not without its flaws. Safety is the biggest concern for hosts and renters alike. Renters are concerned about physical safety while sleeping in a stranger’s spare bedroom, and hosts are worried about their belongings disappearing in the middle of the night.
If you’ve paid attention to trends the last couple years, then you’ve probably noticed there’s a rabid interest in “tiny homes.” And while you have to be a little bit eccentric to make the move from a standard-sized home to a tiny home, there is something to be said for downsizing.
Any real estate agent will tell you that fall/winter is the worst time to put your home on the market. Home sales do happen during this time, but home buyers, on the whole, seem to be more interested in purchasing during the spring and summer.