News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Buyers, sellers, investors, and landlords should be well versed in the top real-estate trends if they want to stay competitive. Every year, we see new trends that shape this market. Although these shifts rarely happen immediately on New Year’s Day, if you’re aware of them at the changing of the calendar, you can develop goals
You’ve made an offer on your home. The sellers have tentatively accepted. At that moment, everything seems like it’s pretty much set and your path to becoming a homeowner has effectively been cleared. Hopefully, you know there are a few steps left in the process, including an important one: you need to run a home
No matter what your goals are in selling a home—whether you’re trying to fetch the best possible price, or are merely trying to unload the house as fast as possible—you need to make your home appealing to prospective buyers. There are many ways to do this, from making renovations and additions to your home (in
You’re probably already familiar with the classic “snowball” effect. A snowball, rolling downhill, will accumulate snow around its exterior, and grow larger. The effect continues, but the larger total area of the snowball means even more snow is accumulated. The snowball rolls faster and faster, picking up snow at a faster rate, until it reaches
Seasoned renters know that unpleasant sensation when you walk into a rental property and see bright, clashing colors throughout the space. In some rooms, it can be overlooked, but a bright teal in the master bedroom could make it a challenge to sleep at night. Without a promise that the rooms may be repainted, some
You’ve probably heard the “R” word – “refinancing” – a lot over the last year. With the market turning and interest rates inching up, a lot of people are considering taking a look at their existing mortgage and locking in different terms. But in your situation, is refinancing your home loan a smart choice?