News from Green Residential and around the world of Property Management and rental homes in Houston and Austin.
Most people find it fairly easy to make the decision to move. However, actually executing a move is a whole lot harder than it looks on paper. One of the more challenging aspects of the process is listing your house so that you can buy your next one. And if you want to get top
Most people in the real estate industry have a pretty good idea of the various pros and cons associated with being a landlord. And while the positives generally outweigh the negatives, there’s one glaring issues that many just can’t tolerate: The inability to get away from it all. Whereas the traditional 9-to-5 employee gets to
Real estate investing – and landlording in particular – is widely misunderstood by the general public. For instance, it’s often assumed that being an ethical landlord and running a profitable business are mutually exclusive concepts. And despite the fact that many landlords perpetuate this ideology, it’s simply not true. If you put your mind to
When it comes to investing in real estate, there are plenty of options. You can buy single-family homes, multi-family homes, apartments, townhomes, condos, vacation rentals, commercial properties, even tiny houses! But there’s one unique, yet potentially lucrative option you probably haven’t considered: mobile home parks. When most people think about mobile home parks, a lucrative
As you draw up your lease agreement, you’ll have to stipulate who will pay utilities. If you’re like other landlords, this portion of the contract may give you pause. Is it better to cover the utilities or let the tenant do that? If you were to cover the cost of utilities for your tenant, it
If you’ve ever dreamed of living a life where you don’t have to report to a boss and punch a time clock, real estate investing could be the answer. Over the years, hundreds of thousands of people have discovered financial freedom and built wealth by ditching their day jobs and investing in real estate full-time.