Moving to a new house is unavoidably stressful, no matter how excited you are about the process. You have to coordinate resources, time each step accurately, make sure none of your possessions get lost, and herd a family that’s probably stressed too – all at the same time.
One of the most stressful elements of moving is packing: the activity of boxing up all your possessions in preparation for the move. If you pack everything too soon, you may need to retrieve some items.
If you pack too late, you’ll be rushed. And there’s always the possibility of breaking something, losing something, or feeling so disorganized you can’t even enjoy stepping into your new home.
So how can you take the stress out of packing when preparing for a move to Katy, Texas?
Identify Your Sources of Stress
First, you should identify the major sources of your stress. Once you’ve accurately found the roots of your anxiety, you’re in a much better position to eliminate or mitigate them.
These are among the most common:
- Time constraints. Some of your stress will likely come from deadlines. If you’re trying to move on a tight schedule, or other responsibilities get in the way of packing, it can be hard to get everything done on time. Planning ahead and rearranging your schedule are your greatest tools here.
- Volume of items. You might also face stress from the sheer number of items you’ll have to move from one place to the next. Your greatest strategies to counter this challenge will include decluttering, donating, and otherwise getting rid of things you won’t need in the long run.
- Specific items. A few of your belongings will be more difficult to pack and move than others. For example, you might worry about moving an especially large or awkward item, or you may possess a fragile object that you wish to protect at all costs.
- Personal dynamics. Let’s face it: Part of the stress of packing comes from interactions with other people. If your family members aren’t helping, or they’re making the process unnecessarily complicated, this can cause agitation above and beyond everything else you have to deal with.
Packing Strategies
Next, you can use the following clever packing strategies to pack your possessions quicker, more efficiently, and more reliably.
- Start early. The best thing you can do to reduce packing stress is to start as early as you can. If you know you’re apt to move in the undetermined future, start packing now. Begin with items you’re unlikely to need in the near future and work your way to more everyday essentials.
- Keep everything organized and labeled. Throughout the process, keep all your belongings organized and labeled. The method doesn’t matter, as long as it’s consistent. For example, you might group items based on how they’re used or which room of the new house they’re likely to end up in.
- Pack from least to most necessary. As mentioned previously, you should try to start with the least necessary items in your home and progress to the most necessary. Thus, if you’re going to move in March and it’s currently January, you can start by boxing your Christmas decorations. Toothbrushes, silverware, phone chargers, and other daily essentials should be saved for last.
- Secure everything. Focus on security and protection, and don’t be afraid to add more support as needed. Include plenty of cushioning and packing material for your most valuable items, use ample packing tape to close the gaps in boxes, and don’t overpack the containers to the point where you’d be concerned about their holding up.
The Role of Teamwork
Everything gets easier and becomes less stressful when you have teamwork on your side.
- Enlist help. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Get family members, friends, and roommates to help you pack. You can find a way to pay them back creatively – or promise to help them pack when it’s time for them to move.
- Get everyone involved. Even your youngest children can assist with some of the tasks; you just have to delegate creatively. For example, you can ask them to select a few toys to donate or have them organize their clothing.
- Make your systems unambiguous. Work with your team to establish a clear and unambiguous packing plan. Should all your items be organized by room? Should they be packed large to small? How much should be fit into a single box? The more detailed your plan can be, the better.
Other Tips
These additional tips can make the packing process even less stressful:
- Make use of different containers. If you know where to look, you can get sturdy packing boxes for free. But you can also make use of alternative containers. For example, plastic storage tubs make great packing receptacles – and you can fill suitcases, backpacks, and even cooking pots with smaller items.
- Accept stress. No matter how well you plan or how much time you have, moving is probably going to be stressful. If you learn to accept the tension as a given and roll with it, you’re apt to put yourself in a more comfortable position.
- Get plenty of sleep. Sleep is one of the best ways to fight stress. When you’re well rested, you think clearer, your emotions stabilize, and you’re less prone to everyday frustrations. Get seven to nine hours per night if you can.
- Take breaks. Don’t try to take on too much at once. Be willing to step away and enjoy regular breaks. Even a few minutes away from your packing project can be worthwhile for clearing your mind.
Before you can start packing, you’ll need to find a house in Katy, Texas. And you might need to sell your current home before you’re ready to move.
These tasks can be just as stressful as packing. So it pays to have an expert – or several – on your side. Contact Green Residential for a free consultation to discuss your buying, selling, or moving needs today!
Jorge is one of Green Residential’s Realtors. He is responsible for overseeing various leasing and sales activities. He has worked in the customer service and sales industry for 15 years.
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